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国际顶尖创意、设计领域非营利机构The One Club for Creativity,2020 One Show国际创意奖和第99届ADC国际设计大奖的征稿正在进行中,最终截稿日为2020年2月28日。因近期受到疫情影响,大中华区各报奖公司的作品将免除延期征稿费。


The One Club for Creativity, a non-profit organization in the world's top creative and design fields, officially launched the One Show 2020 and the ADC 99th Annual Awards. Submission will expire on  February 28, 2020. Due to the recent impact of the Novel Coronavirus, the extension fee of the works in Greater China will be waived.

One Show国际创意奖作为全球最负盛名的创意奖项,其标志性的金铅笔已成为全球创意人追求的至高荣誉,每年都会吸引全球各大广告公司及机构参与角逐。全球ADC年度奖旨在表彰在所有学科中创造卓越的工艺、设计和创新。

The One Show is the most prestigious creative award in the world. Its iconic gold pencil has become the highest honor pursued by creatives all over the world. It attracts the world's major advertising companies and institutions every year. The global ADC Annual Awards honors creative excellence in craft, design and innovation across all disciplines.

2016年,Art Directors Club(美术指导俱乐部)与One Show国际创意节的主办方The One Club for Art & Copy(美术与文案俱乐部)正式合并组成新的全球创意设计非营利协会机构,名为The One Club for Creativity。自此,One Show与ADC同步进行征稿,入围名单将于2020年4月公布,并在5月的One Show国际创意节中分别举办颁奖典礼。 


In 2016, Art Directors Club and The One Club for Art & Copy, the organizer of One Show International Creative Festival, formally merged to form a new global creative design non-profit association called The One Club for Creativity. Since then, One Show and ADC will be in the process of collecting papers, the finalists will be announced in April 2020. And awards ceremony will be in the One Show Creative Week.

One Show国际评审团

The One Show Jury

One Show国际评审团由The One Club全球理事会经过严格的筛选和审议提名,以候选人近年作品、区域影响力和业界口碑三者作为考量标准严格遴选,最终发出确认邀请。The One Club为确保奖项的全球性,会保证评审团由来自全球各地区不同文化背景的创意人组成。今年来自超过35个国家的200位创意评审入选评审团将对所有作品进行评选。今年共有12位来自亚洲的评审入选,其中包括3位大中华区评审。

The One Show jury is strictly selected and nominated by The One Club Board of Directors. The candidates are selected strictly based on their work, regional influence and industry reputation in recent years. The jury is composed of creative people from different cultural backgrounds in different regions all over the world, to make sure the result comes out of a global perspective. This year, 200 creative judges from more than 35 countries will be selected into the jury, and The One Club names 12 top creatives from the Asia Pacific Region to judge,Including 3 judges from Greater China.

Adams Fan, founder, CCO, F5, Shanghai

Jennifer Hu, CCO, Ogilvy Taiwan, Taipei

Lili Jiang, GCD, Cheil Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Meet the Jury


ADC Jury


This year, 130 creative judges from more than 26 countries/regions will be selected into the jury, Including 3 judges from Greater China.

Waterson Lam, founding partner, in50 Design, Beijing (Spatial  Design)

Toby Ng, creative director, Toby Ng Design, Hong Kong  (Brand Communication Design)

Duane Serjeant, executive director, experience design, Ernst & Young, Hong Kong (Experiential  Design)


Meet the Jury


New Changes This Year


为了帮助各报奖单位将不同领域的案例可以更精准的投递进入对应类目当中,本年度One Show国际创意奖进行了类目规划的调整。部分原涉及较为广泛的类目在本年度进行了拆分,如原类目:PRINT & OUTDOOR在本年度拆分为:PRINT 和 OUT OF HOME两个类目。同时,部分类目做了精简和合并,如SOCIAL INFLUENCER与SOCIAL MEDIA进行了合并。

Separating Disciplines

This year we are separating some of our more expansive disciplines to allow different kinds of work to shine. This includes PRINT& OUTDOOR being split into PRINT and OUT OF HOME. 

Bringing Disciplines Together

Conversely, some disciplines just work better together. This year we will be streamlining certain disciplines to make both entering and judging your work even easier. For example, our SOCIAL INFLUENCER discipline is now being merged with our SOCIAL MEDIA discipline. 




More Flexibility with Campaigns

Remember when campaigns had to be 3–5 elements, leaving two-piece or six-piece campaigns in award show limbo? This year The One Show will be giving you much more flexibility with the number of elements a campaign can have. 


Key Dates

One Show国际创意奖  ADC国际设计奖截止日期


One Show Deadlines & ADC Deadlines

Final Extended Deadline: February 28, 2020


2020 One Show纽约创意周

2020 One Show Creative Week

2020年One Show国际创意节暨纽约创意周于5月11日-15日举办,其中包含两晚的One Show颁奖典礼和一晚的ADC颁奖典礼。除此之外,创意周还包括关注青年创意人的Young Ones颁奖典礼和集聚创意领域最知名的意见领袖的创意峰会。关于创意节期间的精彩内容及最新演讲嘉宾将由One Show大中华区办公室进行持续报道。


The 2020 One Show Creative Week will be held from May 11th to 15th, including two nights of the One Show awards ceremony and one night of the ADC awards ceremony. In addition, Creative Week includes the Young Ones awards ceremony focusing on young creatives and the Creative Summit of the most prominent creative leaders in the field. Highlights during the Creative Week will be continuously reported by the One Show Greater China Office.


Application Inquiry

One Show国际创意奖申奖网站

The One Show website:



 ADC Annual Awards Website:



大中华区的广告公司可以通过The One Club大中华区办公室进行奖项咨询,关于支付申报费用可以通过以下两种方式:线上信用卡支付、线下汇款The One Club 美国总部账户。


Advertising agencies in Greater China can conduct awards consultations through The One Club Greater China Office. Two ways to pay for fees: credit card payments, offline remittances to The One Club US account.

One Show国际创意奖及ADC国际设计奖作品申报相关问题,请联系:

For questions related to the One Show 2020 and the ADC 99th , please contact: 

Season Zhou


Vivian Lu 




【关于The One Club for Creativity】

The One Club for Creativity是One Show,ADC 年度设计大奖和纽约创意周的主办方,是全球创意领域最负盛名的非盈利组织。ADC 年度设计大奖嘉奖设计以及相关领域的最佳作品,包括广告,互动和影片。

【关于One Show】

美国One Show国际创意节及其One Show金铅笔奖是全世界顶尖的广告创意节和奖项,总部位于美国纽约。One Show上海国际创意周是由美国One Show国际创意节在大中华区举办的顶级区域性国际创意节,邀请了诸多国际顶尖级创意与创新领袖来分享和探讨极具前沿的行业话题,涉及设计、产品创新、广告与传播、互联网创新等多个跨界领域,每年举行一次。设立的奖项将颁出大中华区极具创新力的创意作品。